Genesis-BasqueLaine Adventure litter
UKC CH Matti Deabei (Matti) x Genesis-BasqueLaine Catherine Crier, CD RA CGC (Justice)
Born October 18, 2008 - 5 Males (4 Grey, 1 Red), 2 Females (1 Grey, 1 Red)
Click here for Adventure litter details
Scroll down for a brief introduction to each of the Adventure litter puppies.
Born October 18, 2008 - 5 Males (4 Grey, 1 Red), 2 Females (1 Grey, 1 Red)
Click here for Adventure litter details
Scroll down for a brief introduction to each of the Adventure litter puppies.
Genesis-BasqueLaine The Phantom
CERF Normal 2011
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
No known seizures
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
No known seizures
Purple Boy was not intended to be a keeper, but ended up staying with me until just a few weeks before his 3rd birthday when he went to visit New York with Terry & Amanda, his littermate Dragon, and his smooth collie "brother," Deuce. Phantom returned to me in June 2012. See Phantom's page for bio, health info, and more photos.
Genesis-BasqueLaine Dragonslayer AXP AJP NFP T2BP
major pointed
OFA Hips: Mild Unilateral Left
OFA Elbows Normal
No known seizures
OFA Elbows Normal
No known seizures
Aqua Boy (also previously known as Aquaman ;-) lives in New York with Terry & Amanda, and his smooth collie "brother," Deuce. Apparently Deuce and Dragon are excellent playmates. Amanda and Dragon are agility partners, they dabble in conformation, and they may do obedience in the future as well. See Dragon's page for bio, health info, and more photos.
Genesis-BasqueLaine Hot Pursuit
CERF Normal 2013
No known seizures
No known seizures
When Gold Boy was here with me, I used to call him "Good as Gold Boy" - and his mom, Amy, tells me that he still IS Good as Gold :-) Because he lives so close and because Amy sometimes attends classes at the training club to which I belong, I get to see him pretty often. He is turning out beautifully--both looks and personality! Amy is doing a fantastic job with him, and I wouldn't be surprised to be adding some letters after his name before too long...
Above: (Feb. 8, 2009) Chase wants to be just like his great-uncle Quest ;-)
Genesis-BasqueLaine Aventine Hill
Yellow Boy lives in New Jersey with Vadim & Marina. They are very active in taking Remus to classes and plan to compete in the breed ring as well as performance/obedience events in the future.
Genesis-BasqueLaine Braveheart
Green Boy lives in New Jersey with his new mom, Judy, and her husband and two teenagers. Looking forward to hearing about Ike's adventures in puppyhood and seeing photos of him as he grows up.