Fling, born January 24, 2014, is looking a person of his very own to love.
He has completed his Puppy Kindergarten class -- including passing the AKC STAR puppy evaluation, and the sooner he can make the transition to a new home, the better it will be for him.
He must go to a home with considerable Belgian experience. (The ideal home would be close to me in Southwestern Ohio, but I realize that I may have to be flexible on that in order to get him into the *right* experienced home.) I am asking $600, and the new owner must come to Ohio to get him.
He is a dog that needs to be involved in some sort of structured, frequent activity -- obedience/rally, agility, etc. I haven't yet tried tracking with him and have not had an opportunity to try him on sheep.
Fling was returned to me because his previous owner experienced behavioral issues with him. I took him to class at my dog club to help determine the extent of the problem. In class and at home, he has behaved like a typical Belgian boy who has been allowed to have his way. This boy -- like all Belgian pups -- needs to have boundaries set and enforced consistently. He needs to be told "no" when he is behaving inappropriately and be corrected as necessary.
At his previous home, he wore a harness instead of a collar, and the biggest issue I have is with him pulling on the leash and lunging when he is excited to see a person or another dog. If he is not allowed to go visit the object of his excitement, he becomes frustrated and must be re-focused. His little hissy fits at not being allowed to have his way could easily be misunderstood as a display of aggression, but it's merely a spoiled adolescent Belgian throwing a temper tantrum <arghh!>.
This boy is incredibly loving and affectionate and very well behaved in the house. His previous owner reported crate anxiety, but here he has had absolutely ZERO issues with his crate. I have left him loose in the house on many occasions as well, and only one day did anything ever get chewed up -- and though I can't prove it was him, I have my suspicions <g>.
He loves playing with other dogs and would definitely prefer a home with an active playmate who enjoys roughhousing!!
As embarrassing as it is to admit, Fling is from an accidental brother-sister breeding of Aslan (Genesis Chronicles of Narnia RN) and Almondine (Genesis Story of E. Sawtelle). Almondine had a silent heat and was bred before I realized it <sigh>. Both are Hips/Good, Elbows/Normal, Eyes/Clear.
Information for prospective owners is available on my website at
http://www.genesisbelgians.com/prospective-puppy-buyer-information.html. Also included is a questionnaire to be filled out and e-mailed back to me. I realize it is a bit time consuming, but the answers you supply greatly assist me in determining if this is a good match, and provides a starting point for future telephone conversations.
He has completed his Puppy Kindergarten class -- including passing the AKC STAR puppy evaluation, and the sooner he can make the transition to a new home, the better it will be for him.
He must go to a home with considerable Belgian experience. (The ideal home would be close to me in Southwestern Ohio, but I realize that I may have to be flexible on that in order to get him into the *right* experienced home.) I am asking $600, and the new owner must come to Ohio to get him.
He is a dog that needs to be involved in some sort of structured, frequent activity -- obedience/rally, agility, etc. I haven't yet tried tracking with him and have not had an opportunity to try him on sheep.
Fling was returned to me because his previous owner experienced behavioral issues with him. I took him to class at my dog club to help determine the extent of the problem. In class and at home, he has behaved like a typical Belgian boy who has been allowed to have his way. This boy -- like all Belgian pups -- needs to have boundaries set and enforced consistently. He needs to be told "no" when he is behaving inappropriately and be corrected as necessary.
At his previous home, he wore a harness instead of a collar, and the biggest issue I have is with him pulling on the leash and lunging when he is excited to see a person or another dog. If he is not allowed to go visit the object of his excitement, he becomes frustrated and must be re-focused. His little hissy fits at not being allowed to have his way could easily be misunderstood as a display of aggression, but it's merely a spoiled adolescent Belgian throwing a temper tantrum <arghh!>.
This boy is incredibly loving and affectionate and very well behaved in the house. His previous owner reported crate anxiety, but here he has had absolutely ZERO issues with his crate. I have left him loose in the house on many occasions as well, and only one day did anything ever get chewed up -- and though I can't prove it was him, I have my suspicions <g>.
He loves playing with other dogs and would definitely prefer a home with an active playmate who enjoys roughhousing!!
As embarrassing as it is to admit, Fling is from an accidental brother-sister breeding of Aslan (Genesis Chronicles of Narnia RN) and Almondine (Genesis Story of E. Sawtelle). Almondine had a silent heat and was bred before I realized it <sigh>. Both are Hips/Good, Elbows/Normal, Eyes/Clear.
Information for prospective owners is available on my website at
http://www.genesisbelgians.com/prospective-puppy-buyer-information.html. Also included is a questionnaire to be filled out and e-mailed back to me. I realize it is a bit time consuming, but the answers you supply greatly assist me in determining if this is a good match, and provides a starting point for future telephone conversations.