Questionnaire for Prospective Puppy Buyers
Please review the Prospective Puppy Buyer Information page
before completing this questionnaire.
Copy and paste this questionnaire into an e-mail message,
then fill in your responses, and send to Genesis.
(If you do not receive a response within a few days, I did not receive your message; please try again.)
Prospective Puppy Buyer Questionnaire
As a breeder, my goal is to place each of my puppies in his or her “forever” home.
Each puppy is an individual. Just as no two children in a family are identical, no two puppies are exactly alike. Nor are any two prospective homes the same. During the first 8-9 weeks of the puppies’ lives, I will be observing and evaluating their physical and personality traits. And I will compare my observations to the information on each questionnaire to try to determine the most appropriate home for each puppy by matching the needs of each individual dog to each prospective owner’s lifestyle.
Therefore, the answers you provide in this questionnaire are vital in assisting me to match your home with the right puppy. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Some of the questions may seem personal; however, candor and honesty are very important—remember, I’m trusting you for the lifetime of the dog.
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
E-mail address:
Why do you want a dog?
Are you acquiring a dog for yourself or for someone else?
If for someone else, are they aware of your intentions, or is the dog to be a surprise?
If you are married, how does your spouse feel about the addition of a Belgian Shepherd?
Do you have children living with you or visiting regularly?
If yes, please note gender and ages.
How do they feel about the addition of a Belgian Shepherd?
Are you prepared to teach any resident or visiting children the proper way to conduct themselves around dogs?
Who in your family will be primarily responsible for:
daily care of the dog
clean up
vet and food bills
How would you describe your household activity level?
Very quiet
Rather easygoing
Usually something going on
Lots of activity
How did you learn about Belgian Shepherds?
Why do you want a Belgian Shepherd?
Have you considered other breeds?
If yes, what breed(s) and why?
For each dog you currently own, please list the following:
Name – Breed or mix – Sex – Age – Is pet spayed or neutered?
For each dog you have owned in the past 10 years, please list the following:
Name – Breed or mix – Sex – Age – Was pet spayed or neutered? – Why do you no longer own the animal?
(If deceased, please give age at death and cause of death.)
Do you have other pets?
If yes, please list.
Do you subscribe to, or regularly read, any dog magazines?
If yes, please list.
Have you read any dog health or training books?
If yes, please list, and describe your general thoughts about these books?
Have you or anyone in your household ever been charged with animal cruelty or had any animal taken away from you or any member of your household for suspicion of animal cruelty?
If yes, please explain.
Have you or any person in your household ever been suspended privileges by the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club, or any other such club?
If yes, please explain.
Do you live in:
mobile home
other (describe)
In which type of area is your home located?
Are there any dog restrictions or laws in your area?
Have you checked into local ordinances in your area pertaining to owning/housing an animal (e.g., leash laws, required vaccinations, dog licenses, etc.)?
Are you willing to comply?
Do you own your home or are you renting?
NOTE: If you rent, a signed letter from your landlord stating that dogs are permitted on his/her property must be received before a puppy will be placed with you. The Breeder reserves the right to contact the landlord before placing any puppy.
Please provide your landlord’s contact information:
Where will the dog spend most of its time?
Where will the dog be when you are away?
How long each day will the dog be alone?
Where will the dog be when you are at home?
Where will the dog sleep?
Have you ever used a crate in housetraining a puppy or dog?
Do you intend to use a crate for this dog?
What will you do with the dog when you go on a vacation trip?
In the event of emergency (e.g., hospitalization, natural disaster, etc.), who would take care of your dog?
If you have to be away from home for a few days and are unable to take the dog, what arrangements will you
make to provide for its care?
When you travel with the dog, where will he/she ride?
How do you envision a dog fitting into your home (schedule, indoor/outdoor activities, exercise, etc.)?
Do you have a fenced yard?
If yes, size of yard, type and height of fencing.
If no, please explain what arrangements you will provide for housebreaking and for safe and adequate exercise.
If you were to move, what would happen to your dog?
Are you interested in a puppy, an older pup, or an adult dog?
Do you prefer a male or female?
Please describe any physical attributes that are of particular importance to you in the puppy/dog you are seeking at this time?
Do you prefer a pet/companion dog or a show/performance dog?
Are you prepared to spay/neuter your dog, or are you interested in breeding?
What are your goals for your dog?
Breeding Conformation/Showing Obedience Rally
Agility Flyball Therapy Dog Assistance Dog
Herding Tracking SAR Messenger Dog
Schutzhund Other (specify)
What do you expect of your Belgian?
Please describe any character attributes that are of particular importance to you in the puppy/dog you are seeking at this time?
What do you expect of your dog’s breeder?
Are you aware of the grooming requirements of the Belgian Shepherd?
Are you prepared to spend the required time grooming your Belgian Shepherd?
In addition to the normal routine at home, what activities will your Belgian have?
Walk routinely with a family member
Go to classes
Compete in dog shows or performance events
Go to your place of business with you
Travel with you
Be a playmate for your children or pets
Other (specify)
Have you ever trained a dog? Attended training classes?
If yes, please describe how you trained and what commands were taught.
Are you aware of the SOCIALIZATION AND TRAINING requirements of the Belgian Shepherd?
Are you prepared to spend time SOCIALIZING AND TRAINING your Belgian Shepherd?
How do you intend to obedience train your Belgian?
On your own?
With a club/trainer?
Do you belong to any dog or dog sports club(s)?
If yes, please list.
Have you ever experienced any behavior problems with past or present pets?
If yes, how did you handle those problems?
Are you prepared for the responsibility of caring for this dog for its entire life (10-16 years)?
How did you learn about Genesis Belgian Shepherds?
May I or my representative visit your home?
If no, why not?
Please add any additional information or thoughts that you feel would help me to understand you as a potential Belgian owner and the home you can offer the dog.
What questions do you have for me?
If you have a veterinarian, please provide contact information below
Please supply two references (dog trainers, Belgian owners, friends, neighbors, etc.—not including immediate family) who know you well enough to recommend you as a good dog owner.
Relationship to you
Relationship to you
By signing this questionnaire, I affirm that all statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge. (If you are submitting this form via e-mail, please type your name in the signature line. I will require a signed copy before placing a puppy.)
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
E-mail address:
Why do you want a dog?
Are you acquiring a dog for yourself or for someone else?
If for someone else, are they aware of your intentions, or is the dog to be a surprise?
If you are married, how does your spouse feel about the addition of a Belgian Shepherd?
Do you have children living with you or visiting regularly?
If yes, please note gender and ages.
How do they feel about the addition of a Belgian Shepherd?
Are you prepared to teach any resident or visiting children the proper way to conduct themselves around dogs?
Who in your family will be primarily responsible for:
daily care of the dog
clean up
vet and food bills
How would you describe your household activity level?
Very quiet
Rather easygoing
Usually something going on
Lots of activity
How did you learn about Belgian Shepherds?
Why do you want a Belgian Shepherd?
Have you considered other breeds?
If yes, what breed(s) and why?
For each dog you currently own, please list the following:
Name – Breed or mix – Sex – Age – Is pet spayed or neutered?
For each dog you have owned in the past 10 years, please list the following:
Name – Breed or mix – Sex – Age – Was pet spayed or neutered? – Why do you no longer own the animal?
(If deceased, please give age at death and cause of death.)
Do you have other pets?
If yes, please list.
Do you subscribe to, or regularly read, any dog magazines?
If yes, please list.
Have you read any dog health or training books?
If yes, please list, and describe your general thoughts about these books?
Have you or anyone in your household ever been charged with animal cruelty or had any animal taken away from you or any member of your household for suspicion of animal cruelty?
If yes, please explain.
Have you or any person in your household ever been suspended privileges by the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club, or any other such club?
If yes, please explain.
Do you live in:
mobile home
other (describe)
In which type of area is your home located?
Are there any dog restrictions or laws in your area?
Have you checked into local ordinances in your area pertaining to owning/housing an animal (e.g., leash laws, required vaccinations, dog licenses, etc.)?
Are you willing to comply?
Do you own your home or are you renting?
NOTE: If you rent, a signed letter from your landlord stating that dogs are permitted on his/her property must be received before a puppy will be placed with you. The Breeder reserves the right to contact the landlord before placing any puppy.
Please provide your landlord’s contact information:
Where will the dog spend most of its time?
Where will the dog be when you are away?
How long each day will the dog be alone?
Where will the dog be when you are at home?
Where will the dog sleep?
Have you ever used a crate in housetraining a puppy or dog?
Do you intend to use a crate for this dog?
What will you do with the dog when you go on a vacation trip?
In the event of emergency (e.g., hospitalization, natural disaster, etc.), who would take care of your dog?
If you have to be away from home for a few days and are unable to take the dog, what arrangements will you
make to provide for its care?
When you travel with the dog, where will he/she ride?
How do you envision a dog fitting into your home (schedule, indoor/outdoor activities, exercise, etc.)?
Do you have a fenced yard?
If yes, size of yard, type and height of fencing.
If no, please explain what arrangements you will provide for housebreaking and for safe and adequate exercise.
If you were to move, what would happen to your dog?
Are you interested in a puppy, an older pup, or an adult dog?
Do you prefer a male or female?
Please describe any physical attributes that are of particular importance to you in the puppy/dog you are seeking at this time?
Do you prefer a pet/companion dog or a show/performance dog?
Are you prepared to spay/neuter your dog, or are you interested in breeding?
What are your goals for your dog?
Breeding Conformation/Showing Obedience Rally
Agility Flyball Therapy Dog Assistance Dog
Herding Tracking SAR Messenger Dog
Schutzhund Other (specify)
What do you expect of your Belgian?
Please describe any character attributes that are of particular importance to you in the puppy/dog you are seeking at this time?
What do you expect of your dog’s breeder?
Are you aware of the grooming requirements of the Belgian Shepherd?
Are you prepared to spend the required time grooming your Belgian Shepherd?
In addition to the normal routine at home, what activities will your Belgian have?
Walk routinely with a family member
Go to classes
Compete in dog shows or performance events
Go to your place of business with you
Travel with you
Be a playmate for your children or pets
Other (specify)
Have you ever trained a dog? Attended training classes?
If yes, please describe how you trained and what commands were taught.
Are you aware of the SOCIALIZATION AND TRAINING requirements of the Belgian Shepherd?
Are you prepared to spend time SOCIALIZING AND TRAINING your Belgian Shepherd?
How do you intend to obedience train your Belgian?
On your own?
With a club/trainer?
Do you belong to any dog or dog sports club(s)?
If yes, please list.
Have you ever experienced any behavior problems with past or present pets?
If yes, how did you handle those problems?
Are you prepared for the responsibility of caring for this dog for its entire life (10-16 years)?
How did you learn about Genesis Belgian Shepherds?
May I or my representative visit your home?
If no, why not?
Please add any additional information or thoughts that you feel would help me to understand you as a potential Belgian owner and the home you can offer the dog.
What questions do you have for me?
If you have a veterinarian, please provide contact information below
Please supply two references (dog trainers, Belgian owners, friends, neighbors, etc.—not including immediate family) who know you well enough to recommend you as a good dog owner.
Relationship to you
Relationship to you
By signing this questionnaire, I affirm that all statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge. (If you are submitting this form via e-mail, please type your name in the signature line. I will require a signed copy before placing a puppy.)